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default IFLA Statement on Digital Literacy Beliebt

Von Markiert in Digitalisierung, Prozesse & Strukturen 1478 Downloads

IFLA Statement on Digital Literacy

Digital technologies have dramatically transformed our lives. Yet even with physical access to these tools, it is not a given that all can take full advantage of the opportunities created to receive, apply, share, and create information.

Just as basic literacy – the ability to read and assimilate information – is essential for individuals to participate and flourish in society, realising the potential of ICTs for personal and community development requires everyone to have the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours. Media and information literacy is a central part of this.

Given libraries’ mission to help all their users access and apply the information they need for personal and community development, this is an important part of the practice of librarianship. This statement sets out the case for action, defines ‘digital literacy,’ offers examples of how libraries are contributing, and makes recommendations to governments and other stakeholders.

Press the download button to get to the website to read the whole article.


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